The YPS (Youth Performance Squad) and JX (Junior Excellence) packs have arrived from Swimming WA and will be distributed to those swimmers who have achieved these levels at the Club Morning, Saturday 28th September.
Some Information from the Swimming WA website is below:
The Australian Junior Excellence Program (JX), recognises rewards and encourages junior swimmers who, through their development of aquatic skills and fitness, achieve a high standard of swimming excellence.
Under the program, swimmers aged from 9 to 13 years, who accomplish times set by Swimming Australia, qualify at Gold, Silver, Bronze or Green standard, depending on their best performance/s during the season.
For doing so, qualifiers receive special recognition by way of:
- A distinctive JX cap (9 and 10 year olds) or JX shirt (11 to 13 year olds)
- A JX certificate signed by the National Youth Coach and members of the Australian Swim Team
- A JX motivational poster featuring elite Australian swimmers
- Publication of their name on the Swimming WA website
- A JX DVD with tips from Swimming experts
The Australian Youth Performance Squad (YPS) is an exciting new initiative designed to reward swimmers aged 13-18 for their performances in the pool. The YPS is an extension of the Junior Excellence program which recognises and rewards 9-13 year olds. Similar to Junior Excellence, YPS rewards swimmers for achieving particular time standards set by Swimming Australia.
For more information please go to the swimming wa website, and look under the ‘Development’ tab and scroll down to the ‘JX and YPS’ page đŸ™‚