Membership Renewals – Due Now!

Yes, it’s that time again – membership renewals are now due!

In line with Swimming WA the club has slightly increased the competitive membership for the 2014/15 season.

Competitive Swimmer (includes Swimming WA membership $100)

1st family member – $185

2nd family member – $175, 3rd & 4th member – $165

Parent / Non-Swimming member – $10

Swimming WA will have an online renewal option this year, which should be in operation next week. The club will be charged a 6% commission fee on the $85 club component for all payments made through the online system. You are welcome to use this payment system if you wish, but the clubs preferred payment method is by direct deposit to the club’s bank account. BSB: 633-108 ACC NO: 146931712

2014-15_SWH_Membership_Application & Volunteer Agreement

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